Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, July 26, 2015

“Fair Housing” comes to Hillary’s home town

From Powerline Blog:
This massive anti-democratic intrusion by the federal government into local affairs is not limited to Westchester County. It is the very objective of the Obama administration’s new “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rule.

It’s no coincidence that, under AFFH, local officials applying for HUD funding must fill out an intrusive questionnaire that asks them to identify any local opposition to low income housing projects. These filings could then be used to hold federal funds hostage, or perhaps to file suits against localities like the one the feds have pressed against Westchester.

As Kurtz concludes, “AFFH comes close to institutionalizing the idea that local government officials must treat their own constituents as a kind of illegitimate opposition to be overcome.” This is, to my knowledge, an unparalleled instance of the federal government commandeering local governments to serve federal purposes. The Supreme Court has said that federal commandeering of state executive officers or officers “of their political subdivisions” to “administer or enforce a federal regulatory program” is “fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.”

There’s no silver lining to the Westchester County story, but there’s a nice piece of irony in seeing AFFH land at Hillary Clinton’s gate. Not because it will affect Clinton’s personal life. She can live anywhere she wants to except, perhaps, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.

But AFFH may now affect Hillary’s political life (and thus where she lives beginning in 2017). She doesn’t have to speak to Rob Asterino. With AFFH hitting so close to home, however, she may come under pressure to respond to the kinds of questionss he is trying to raise.
A dream come true, Section * housing, next to Hillary's House. I want the Feds to enforce the AFFH to Nancy, Dick, Chuck, and Harry's neighborhoods.

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