Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Keep Hillary-Slayer Carly in this Thing

From Roger Simon at PJ Media:
I had been hearing for weeks that Carly Fiorina was the hottest speaker on the nascent Republican campaign circuit - except perhaps for Marco Rubio, but the senator’s formidable communications skills have been known for years . Even the New York Times was trumpeting Fiorina’s appeal in a column describing the long lines to hear the former Hewlett-Packard CEO speak under the typically equivocal NYT headline “Carly Talks, Iowa Swoons and the Polls Shrug,” just to make sure nobody gets ahead of themselves.
She has been smacking Hillary around quite a bit. And there is no other candidate confronting Hillary either.
Now I am aware the rap against Carly is that she lost to Barbara Boxer in the California Senate race. (She jokes about this, referring to how her husband of 30 years always says to her “I can’t believe you lost to Barbara Boxer!”) And I’m also aware she was fired from her job as CEO of Hewlett-Packard.  Having been a CEO of a tiny company (this one) for seven years, I’m not altogether sure what we learn from that and I might point out the most famous CEO of our era, Steve Jobs, was also fired from his post at that obscure company he started.

Losing to Boxer is not one of my problem with her, it's that basically no one knew she was running against Boxer and she got less votes that Meg Whitman did for Governor. It wasn't just losing, it was losing badly.

Regarding being fired from HP, as the author points out, your hired as CEO of a big company to performed or be fired. My problem was that she was never qualified to get the job as she was an affirmative action hire to keep the progressives on the Board happy.

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