Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Joyce Carol Oates, Genius

From Ace of Spades HQ:
Here's the tweet she's linking:
Oates and original poster Chris Tilly both fail to notice a few critical details about the photo.

1.) It's a triceratops.

2.) Since, it's a triceratops, which is a dinosaur, it's extinct. (Unless, you're the Doctor, traveling on the TARTIS, which landed on a spaceship, which had some dinosaurs on it. But that's another story)

3.) The jerk, Steven Spielberg, a MOVIE director, who directed a couple movies about dinosaurs.

BTW, Oates is a Professor at Princeton. I guarantee, she also believes in man-made global warming, because you have to trust the science.

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