Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Triggers and Triggering

From Ace of Spades:
Lately, there has been some kind of social movement in the direction of taking no responsibility whatsoever for one's emotions: a total hand off, and it's done openly and without a hint of recognition an individual might actually be responsible for his or her own feelings. It seems people have come to accept this is the new normal.

The movement appears to be attached to latest iteration of feminism, third-wave feminism, and it has worked its way from college campuses into popular culture. The constant refrain from those who have no responsibility for their feelings is "trigger" and "triggering." Triggering is when someone does or says something that "causes" another's negative emotions, and a trigger is a particular word or act that "causes" negative emotions. And apparently anything can be a trigger. Christina Hoff Sommers recently triggered many people simply by making a speech at Oberlin College, for example. Those who had no responsibility for their emotions were forced to create "safe rooms" where they could seek reassurance from others who had no responsibility for their emotions.
Ed Dricoll at PJ Media write further about this issue with his aptly named article,"Trigger Warning! College Kids Will Soon Discover ‘The Adult World Is Not One Big, Extra-Cushy Couch’."
Well yes, when you make the cossetted boomer generation look like rugged individualists

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