Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, May 4, 2015

NYT Reporter - ‘Free Speech Aside,’ Why Would Anyone Hold a Conference Critical of Islam?

From Breitbart's Big Journalism:
A New York Times reporter wants to know why on earth private citizens would organize a conference dedicated to a robust, free discussion of a critical issue facing the country.

By some sad alchemy, free speech, protected by the First Amendment, transforms into “hate speech” once a reporter decides it’s Double-Plus-Ungood.

As a Christian, Callimachi finds “Piss Christ” deeply offensive. Strangely, she restrained herself from trying to kill the so-called artist. Since all cultures are equal, this is a great mystery.

Since “Piss Christ” is a crucifix submerged in urine, it’s not as horrible as a cartoon, you see. “Mocking Christians is one thing,” as Callimachi says. You cross a line when you dare criticize Islam. (Viciously attacking Catholics is supported by the New York Times.)
So based in this reporters logic, if a religion, say Scientology, found The New York Times objectionable, it should cease publishing, out of respect for that religion, correct?

But wait, the 1st Amendment says the NYT can publish.

Another liberal reporter shows how hypocritical, biased, and intellectuall dishonest they are, again, as usual.

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