Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Millionaire Dotcom Adulteress says Women Too Weak to Negotiate Salaries

From the American Thinker Blog:
Ellen Pao is the Al Sharpton of sexual harassment. She sued the VC firm of Kleiner Perkins, claiming gender discrimination and sexual harassment. She lost a civil trial. To win in a civil trial, you don't need to show guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt," but merely show that it is more likely you are telling the truth than the other side. She couldn't meet even that loose standard, showing that her lawsuit was ridiculous. In fact, as the evidence came out, it turned out that not only hadn't she been discriminated against, but she had made millions there and had been given special treatment by one of the senior partners, and she still found time to have an adulterous relationship with another married partner.

But even though she lost this case, every time there is some claim of discrimination against women, her photo often accompanies such articles as if she had proved her case. Pao, a confused, nerdy-looking Chinese-American with glass lenses so thick they look like the bottom of Coke bottles, doesn't look like a rabid feminist, but she is.

She has since made news as interim CEO of Reddit, the misogynist, profanity-laced message board website, by declaring that new hires cannot negotiate on salary.
Ellen Pao, interim chief executive of Reddit, announced last month a ban on salary negotiations at the social media company. Her stated goal: to eliminate the persistent disadvantage that women have at the bargaining table.

I guess they want Reddit to be run by beta males, feminists, and drones. Silicon Valley was discovered and grew due to the relentless self-starters and promoters, like Steve Jobs, Bill Hewlett, David Packard, and Larry Elison, not Ellen Pao.

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