Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Democrats Get a Taste of Obama’s Arrogance

From Jonah Goldberg of National Review:
(What's) lost on Milbank is the fact that this is precisely how Obama treats everyone who disagrees with him. When Obama — who ran for office touting his ability to work with Republicans and vowing to cure the partisan dysfunction in Washington — treated Republicans in a far ruder and shabbier way, Milbank celebrated
Republicans, in Obama’s view, are always dishonest, fabricating falsehoods and denying reality with their knee-jerk responses.
Again, this was all quintessential Obama then, and it’s quintessential Obama now. All that has changed is that he’s doing the exact same thing to Democrats, and it’s making them sad. Specifically, he’s accused Senator Elizabeth Warren of not having her facts straight. He says she’s just a politician following her partisan self-interest.
But here’s the hilarious part: Liberals can’t take it.
The great irony is that when Republicans complain about Obama’s haughtiness and arrogance, liberals accuse them of being racist.
The problem with liberals, it blow right by them. Since he's on their side, so he's being obnoxious.

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