Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

9 Attacks On Religion The Hypocritical Pamela Geller-Hating Media Love

From Breitbart's Big Journalism:
In short, the media looked at the speech-clothes Pam Geller was wearing and concluded, “The bitch was begging for it.”

But let’s look at the media’s arguments against the cartoon contest, shall we:

Does CNN’s Alisyn Camerota really oppose “provocative” speech?

Does Fox News’s Martha MacCallum really oppose “insulting someone’s religion.”

Does NBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin really oppose “hate speech” against religion?

Does the LA Times really oppose “verbal attacks” against religion?

Does the San Francisco Examiner really oppose “igniting a culture war along religious lines?”

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point: almost all of the media is premising its Hate Campaign against Geller based on what they advertise as their own principled opposition to religious bigotry, offending the religious, and sensitivity towards others.

But they are hypocrites. All of them. Every single one of them.

Geller has responded to this criticism by accusing the media of enforcing Sharia Law, and she is correct.

And here are 9 pieces of incontrovertible evidence that prove Geller 100% correct.
  1. The Book of Mormon
  2. Dogma (1999)
  3. Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979)
  4. Piss Christ
  5. Monty Python’s Meaning of Life (1983)
  6. Hunky Jesus & Foxy Mary
  7. The Da Vinci Code franchise
  8. The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
  9. Priest (1994)
Boom, headshot!

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