Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party’s Own Making

From Kevin D. Williamson at National Review:
Yes, Baltimore seems to have some police problems. But let us be clear about whose fecklessness and dishonesty we are talking about here: No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project. (Editor's emphasis)
The problems in Baltimore mirror the problem in many big city urban areas, they have been run exclusively by liberals for the last 50 years or so. Detroit, Atlanta, Cleveland, Philadelphia, et al. All of these cities have been run by democrats, mostly black democrats during the entire decent into urban blight. However, Republicans are some how to blame for the problems in these cities, even though they have no influence on policy.

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