Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Is it time to view the Obama administration as a criminal enterprise?

From Mark Tapscott at the Washington Examiner via Instapundit:
See a tree with 20 apples hanging on it and reasonable people conclude it's an apple tree. So is it a criminal conspiracy when 20 government employees illegally destroy important official emails?

If that seems like an extreme question, consider the steadily accumulating evidence about the Obama administration's modus operandi with potentially incriminating documents subpoenaed by Congress: A scandal erupts. Congressional hearings are held. Documents are requested and withheld. Subpoenas are issued. Contempt charges threatened. A few documents dribble out.

Then come the admissions that, oh by the way, emails required by multiple federal laws to be preserved have either been destroyed or "lost."
And the Drive-By-Media's response ..... crickets.

All one has to do is ask a simple question, "If George W. Bush was President, would these scandals be covered?"

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