Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Who’s your daddy? Study on genetic testing says parents don’t need to know

From Instapundit:
A paper published Monday in the leading journal Pediatrics tackles a controversial discovery that can come out of genetic testing: when a child’s biological parent turns out to be someone else.

Whether that occurs through a switch at the hospital, a swap of embryos or sexual infidelity, genetic testing can bring such previously unknown facts to light. No matter the cause, it presents an ethical dilemma for medical professionals and one likely to become more common as genetic testing more more widespread. It has triggered a fierce and complex debate about whether parents — or those who might find out they are not true parents — have a right to know such information.

In the Pediatrics paper, ethicists at the University of Pennsylvania argue in favor of letting the parents of patients know that these facts can generally be found in the course of a test but will not be revealed to them.

Without such a policy, Fiester said, after the tests are run, parents might be confronted with being told that there’s something they may need to know about their parentage.
New paper argues that universal nondisclosure of child’s biological information causes less harm and confusion. I think this is playing God. People should have access to the truth. I’m not certain I’d favor mandatory paternity testing at birth, but I’d favor that before I’d favor keeping secrets.
I think the diliema is that this will cause all sorts of problems of who SHOULD be stuck with the bill of paying for raising the child. The women will not suffer, financially. They usually know who the Daddy is. The one stuck with the bills and the kids are the innocent victims of the indiscretion.

Sadly, today's current political environment will not allow the woman to be responsible.

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