Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Under pressure, Hillary is donating all her (University) spealing fees to her own foundation.

From Ace of Spades HQ:
But Ann Althouse has questions:
What is her salary from the foundation? How much of her expenses are covered by family foundation money? How many members of her family make salaries from that foundation? To what extent is the foundation an income tax dodge? And didn’t Hillary Clinton recently portray herself as not truly rich because she and Bill pay income tax on their money?
Taking from your foundation and putting it in my foundation… what a lovely, arrogant metaphor for a liberal’s view of government! I can spend your money better than you can. The universities have money that they might spend to improve education for their students and to advance scholarship, but it could be shifted into the Clinton Foundation which does whatever it does, some charitable things that maintain and advance the Clintons’ political fortunes.
One New Class hand washes the other.
It's a double windfall. Hillary donates her income to her tax free foundation, gets a tax write off, yet still is able to control the money.

Dirty, dirty, dirty! ! ! !

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