Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Let's label Lerner guilty, just like IRS does to us

From The Arizona Republic via Instapundit:
When I filed my taxes, I was targeted for an audit due to my casualty loss. When I told the wonderful agent at the IRS that all my records (along with most other possessions) had been lost in the hurricane, the sympathetic, caring agent opened up three years for audit. They then computed what they thought I should owe for the three years and demanded payment. As my records were destroyed, I had no way to fight them.

The IRS’ officials rules are that they are right unless I can prove different. In other words, guilty until proven innocent. Why, then, cannot former IRS administrator Lois Lerner be held to the same standards? Guilty until the IRS provides the proof of innocence.
Rules are for the little people.
I like this idea! ! ! !

The Clerisy strikes another blow against freedom.

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