Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Leader of Murrieta Protests: 'Repatriate the Aliens'

From Breitbart California:
Busloads full of illegal aliens, many of them children, from overcrowded detention facilities in Texas were flown into San Diego Tuesday morning before being driven north to Murrieta for processing, but plans changed when over 100 protestors prevented the bus from entering the Murrieta Border Patrol facility.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Patrice Lynes, the organizer of the Murrieta protests, recounted the events that led to the buses turning back, and what demonstrators wanted to convey.

When Lynes heard of the transfers, she gathered a couple of friends and began staging demonstrations against the transfers, as well as in support of Border Patrol agents. On Sunday, June 28, the group that joined Lynes grew to a couple dozen. Lynes also gathered about 25 people--including moms, students, and former Border Patrol agents--to meet with staff in the office of U.S. Rep. Kevin Calvert (R-CA) to voice their concern over the lack of enforcement of current immigration laws.

After public outcry over the transfers, some plans to fly the detainees to California were canceled, but Tuesday's flights did take off, one of which headed for San Diego. After the plane landed, the 140 illegal aliens on board were escorted onto buses and driven up to the Murrieta Border Patrol station for processing.
Why can't these children be repatriated?

Janet Reno, Eric Holder's boss during the Clinton Adminstration repatriated Elian Gonzalez.

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