Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 31, 2014

John Kerry - Cargo Cult Politician

From the Neo-Neocon via Ace of Spades HQ:
And it struck me also that this might be the sum total of why he has risen to the heights he has, that and his ability to promote himself. He has never seemed especially bright or accomplished, and certainly never especially likeable. But he always looked like a senator, and so instead of playing one on TV he became one.

Politics isn't the only thing Kerry ever did; he was a prosecutor for a while. But it's the main thing he's done, and although it's hard to point to any specific accomplishments of his even in politics, he still managed to almost become president. I maintain that it's because he's the perfect cargo cult senator, presidential nominee, and now Secretary of State. He looks a certain way, and sounds a certain way, and our society has devolved to the point where looking like something is considered good enough. Why should skills be necessary, as well? The simulacrum of the thing is enough.

He has been a relentless self-promoter, but the blogger does ask a legitimate question, what has he really accomplished? Could he resume in the sentae, where he serve for several term be as thin as Hillary? or Obama?

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