Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Christie Vetoes Gun Control Bill

From via Ace of Spades HQ:

Christie vetoes gun control bill to reduce size of ammunition magazines

Gov. Chris Christie today vetoed a gun control bill that would have reduced the permitted size of ammunition magazines, saying it would do nothing to reduce gun violence.

“This is the very embodiment of reform in name only. It simply defies common sense to believe that imposing a new and entirely arbitrary number of bullets that can be lawfully loaded into a firearm will somehow eradicate, or even reduce, future instances of mass violence,” Christie said. “Nor is it sufficient to claim that a ten-round capacity might spare an eleventh victim.”

Christie conditionally vetoed the legislation (A2006), but he did more than propose changes. He completely rewrote it, eliminating the ammunition capacity reduction and suggesting in its place several changes to the state’s mental health system that he first proposed more than a year ago.
Considering he is an establishment RINO, this all but let's everyone know that he is planning to run for President.

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