Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Iraqi Albatross around the Donkey’s Neck

From Stephen Miller at Ricohet via Instapundit:
“If you were one of the architects of this mess you don’t get to tell the rest of us how to fix it! Meah!”

Fair enough.

Progressive media is certainly welcome to go this path but they do so at their own peril. The right will be perfectly content to let the press automatically discredit anyone tied to the old Iraq policy who attempts to speak about the current Iraq policy.

This includes Hillary Clinton, who voted for it. This includes Joe Biden, who voted for it. This includes John Kerry, who voted for it but then voted against it. All willingly gave President Bush authorization for military action in Iraq.

And all three are possible Presidential candidates in 2016.

None of the suspected 2016 GOP contenders will be tied legislatively to the past mess or the current mess in Iraq. Not Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Rick Perry or Bobby Jindal. Not even Jeb Bush, which has got to sting the left just a little.
No, the Dear Leader owns it. Biden, Hillary, Kerry, and Hagel are just following the boss's lead.

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