Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, June 27, 2014

Should Citizens Be Allowed To Sue Government Workers For Misconduct?

From Ace of Spades HQ:
And in return for maintaining public workers in a lifestyle they've come to enjoy, higher pay than the private sector that they "serve" and are funded by and almost no chance of getting fired, what are tax payers getting? In many cases harassed and bled dry.
How can we restore balance to the citizen-government official relationship? Some argue by allowing citizens to sue government workers personally and not hide behind the government would curb abuse.
In America’s first 100 years, federal officials could be sued in state courts for acting beyond their authority. In his book Creating the Administrative Constitution, Yale law professor Jerry Mashaw chronicles how this helped temper bad behavior. ...
The way to control this epidemic of government law-breaking is to allow citizen victims to sue, and legislate personally liability for bureaucrats guilty of willfully illegal conduct.
If the GOP were serious about tackling government abuse, it would initiate legislation now and even add private remedies to its platform. That would have wide support from the public.
Until government bureaucrats face the consequences of meaningful remedies, they will continue to act like America's untouchable class.

It would be an interesting way to make them responsible.

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