Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

IRS’s Lois Lerner Tried To Audit GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley Over Email Mix-up

From the Daily Caller:
Investigators in Congress discovered new emails from Lois Lerner Wednesday revealing the former IRS Exempt Organizations director’s attempt to audit GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley in 2012 over an email mixup. ..........................

The invitation from the organizer reportedly included an offer to pay for the attendance of Grassley’s wife, should the two be interested in coming. Upon reading Grassley’s invitation mistakenly sent to her, the IRS official accused of unjustifiably targeting conservative tea party organizations’ tax exempt status forwarded the email to another IRS employee, and suggested auditing the Iowa senator.

Lerner speculated it was “inappropriate” for the organizer to pay for Grassley’s wife to attend.

Legal counsel for the IRS’s Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division Matthew Giuliano shot down Lerner’s suggestion, and said an audit would be an unqualified action.
Targeting a sitting member of the US Senate?

There must be something else in play here.

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