Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

IRS Claims Six More Computer Crashes Led to Lost Emails.

From Instapundit:
Republican lawmakers reacted incredulously Tuesday, after Internal Revenue Service personnel informed them that some email records from six IRS employees central to a congressional investigation are unavailable.

The reason? All six of their computers crashed, making their email data unrecoverable.

In a joint statement, Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), the Ways and Means Committee Chairman, and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany Jr. (R-LA) made it clear that they do not accept the agency’s explanation at face value.

“Plot lines in Hollywood are more believable than what we are getting from this White House and the IRS,” the lawmakers said.
One hard drive is plausible, but now a total of 7?

And they all HAPPEN to occur to IRS staff that is handling the Tea Party Tax Exempt organizations?


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