Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hillary - I'm Not "Truly Well Off"

From Ace of Spades HQ:
She and Bill Clinton have $50 million between them.

But she's not truly well off. The real Richie Riches start at 50 million and one dollar, I guess.
CNN anchors mocked Hillary Clinton’s published remarks Monday that she is not “truly well off,” with Early Start‘s Miguel Marquez saying, “Really?” as co-host Alison Kosik openly laughed.
The actual remarks are here:
In an interview with Britain's Guardian newspaper, Clinton was asked whether she could be a credible champion for fighting income inequality in the United States despite her wealth. "But they don’t see me as part of the problem," she told the paper, "because we pay ordinary income tax, unlike a lot of people who are truly well off, not to name names; and we’ve done it through dint of hard work." The Guardian wrote that Clinton let off "another burst of laughter" in answering the question, suggesting that she found the question "painful."
Hillary Clinton is attempting to draw a distinction between "earned" wealth -- derived from actively working and what I guess she and Thomas Piketty would call unearned wealth, gained from passive investment. ....................

Second of all, is Hillary really "working" for her money? She and Bill get $500,000 or even a million dollars for giving a 30-40 minute speech.
Is that "working"? Does a roofer sweltering under the sun nailing hot black tiles all day think that Hillary is really "earning" that $500,000?
Or would that roofer suspect that Hillary Clinton is actually just farming influence and status?
A typical liberal, all the thing she demagogues about DOESN"T apply to her and her family. She sees herself as part of the ruling class. The normal way most people acquire wealth, work; she has never done. She has been a recipient of crony capitalism. Many rich people let her and Bill get a slice, as a form of "quid pro quo", so she and her ilk will make a loophole for the benefactor.

Rush has a related take, from Breitbart TV:
Monday amid the growing controversy of Hillary Clinton's insistence that she and her husband former President Bill Clinton are not wealthy, Rush Limbaugh attempted to explain the former secretary of state's "zero empathy" attitude on personal finances.

"She wants to be a Warren Buffett," he said. "[I]'m telling you, that's the world the Clintons run in, and when she says, 'We pay ordinary income tax,' what she's saying is they have become wealthy because they earn a lot of money. They pay ordinary income taxes because they generate ordinary income, which is book sales and speeches and stuff like that, and they pay income tax rates. In her world, no matter how much money you have, you are not wealthy."

"What she doesn't know is that by discussing it this way, she really is telling people what she wants to be," he added. "She wants to be a Warren Buffett. She wants to be in this really rarefied air where tax rates are irrelevant to you, and that's a small percentage of even the top 1%. But this idea that she and Bill are not well off? Even though the top range of their net worth on her disclosure forms is, I think, between $5.5 million and $50 million?"

The conservative talk show host said, "In her world, $50 million is peanuts" and added, "This is tone deafness on steroids. It is an inability to relate to people. It is zero empathy. It is just stunning"

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