Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

George Will Meets The Clerisy Media

From The American Spectator:
The Clerisy Media strikes again. This time the target is longtime conservative columnist George Will, who was dispatched by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch over a column on rape. But before that? The Los Angeles Times refused to publish letters to the editor from what the paper called “climate change deniers.” The Arizona Daily Sun has done the same.

A while back it was National Public Radio firing Juan Williams for comments made on Fox News about Muslims.

What are we really seeing here in this witch-hunt against George Will? Yes, the typical liberal double standard to be sure. But there’s more. Weeks before the St. Louis Post-Dispatch episode, Joel Kotkin, a presidential fellow in urban futures at Chapman University and a contributing editor to City Journal, wrote a prescient piece at the Daily Beast titled “Watch What You Say, The New Liberal Power Elite Won’t Tolerate Dissent":
In ways not seen since at least the McCarthy era, Americans are finding themselves increasingly constrained by a rising class — what I call the progressive Clerisy — that accepts no dissent from its basic tenets. Like the First Estate in pre-revolutionary France, the Clerisy increasingly exercises its power to constrain dissenting views, whether on politics, social attitudes or science.

An alliance of upper level bureaucrats and cultural elites, the Clerisy, for all their concerns about inequality, have thrived, unlike most Americans, in recent years. They also enjoy strong relations with the power structure in Washington, Silicon Valley, Hollywood and Wall Street.

As the modern clerisy has seen its own power grow, even while the middle class shrinks, it has used its influence to enforce a prescribed set of acceptable ideas. On everything from gender and sexual preference to climate change, those who dissent from the official pieties risk punishment.” ...

Today’s Clerisy attempts to distill today’s distinctly secular “truths” — on issues ranging from the nature of justice, race and gender to the environment — and decide what is acceptable and that which is not. Those who dissent from the accepted point of view can expect their work to be simply ignored, or in some cases vilified.
This is exactly what happened to George Will. He dared to dissent from the clerisy media’s party line, and he was fired. This is what was going on with the Los Angeles Times, the Arizona Daily Sun, and their respective decisions to ban so-called climate deniers from their pages.
It used to be called "McCarthyism", something abhorrent to Liberals, when they were accused of being communist. Now the shoe is on the other foot, since the Liberals dominate the Establishment, i.e. The Media, University Professors, and Government. And They like it.

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