Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

EPA Refuses to Turn Over Subpoenaed Documents to Congress; Agency Explains That Some Subpoenaed Emails Were "Lost" In a "Hard Drive Crash" in 2010

From Ace of Spades HQ:
Via @iowahawkblog.

I thought he was making a joke.

He wasn't.
While most of President Obama's Cabinet was touting the anniversary of President Obama's landmark speech in which he laid out plans to address climate change, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy was left facing a contempt threat from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa....
Issa is probing whether the White House illegally coordinated with the EPA on how to avoid turning documents over to Congress.
The hearing also included a bit of deja vu for the committee when members grilled McCarthy on lost emails from a hard-drive crash (the same issue that wiped out emails from IRS employee Lois Lerner). In this case, the emails in question were from retired EPA employee Philip North, who was involved in the agency's decision to begin the process of preemptively vetoing the Pebble Mine project in Alaska.
North, who declined an interview request by the committee, is retired, and committee staff say they have been unable to track him down. According to a committee aide, North's hard drive crashed in 2010--which was around the same time that the committee is investigating the agency's discussions of a potential veto--and the emails were not backed up.
They're basically daring us to impeach them.

Update: So adorbz. Yes, that's just what I was going to say, Sam.
The Regime must figure, well it worked regarding the IRS emails, right? The Drive-By-Media won't push the issue, so why not?

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