Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, June 23, 2014

Alert ! ! ! Journalist admits bias -- 'Democrat' President Is Why IRS Scandal Not Media 'Obsession'

From Breitbart's Big Journalism:
On Monday's edition of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Mark Halperin said out loud what every fair-minded person has known for over a year now, "I think with a different administration, one that was a Republican administration, this story would be a national obsession, and, instead, it's getting coverage here and a few other places. But it deserves a lot more questions."

Al Hunt, a Obama foot soldier disguised as an opinion columnist, thinks the IRS scandal is getting plenty of "aggressive" attention and argues, "The critical question remains whether there was political interference at the top by either Treasury or the White House and everything we've seen so far suggests not."

Halperin replies with what should be obvious to anyone with anything even close to nose for the truth: "I just don't think we can presume an assumption of innocence" based on what the White House says.

But that's not what the media are actually doing. The media aren't presuming the IRS and the Obama Administration are innocent -- the media are terrified they are guilty and doing everything in their power to protect them from the consequence of that guilt.

The media claim to hate it when The Wealthy get involved in politics. The ink spilled to rage against the Koch brothers could fill every swimming pool in America. And the media always argue the same thing: that it's unfair and unAmerican for The Wealthy to have so much more power than the common man.

But that's all a lie. Because when one of the most feared and powerful institutions in America actually does oppress the voice of the common man, the media protect the IRS and wrist-flick the lies, cover-ups, and obvious corruption.
If the Drive-By-Media covered the IRS scandal and made it as big of an issue as, say, Valerie Plame, impeachment would not only be possible, but probable.

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