Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, June 29, 2014

13 Times Since 2012 Obama Has Lost Constitutional Cases Before The Supreme Court By Unanimous 0-9 Rulings

From Draw and STRIKE! :
Anybody else remember when it was a huge selling point for Obama's supporters back in 2008 that he was a former Constitutional Law lecturer at the University of Chicago? Obama had such a small resume of actual accomplishments that Liberals took to waxing rhapsodic about his grasp of the Constitution.

Got elected to the Senate! and Wrote two fantastic books about himself! might do it for Progressives, but the rest of the country needed some actual qualifications. Obama was a 1st term Senator from Illinois who almost immediately began running for President. Even when he was at the state level in the Illinois legislature it was hard to get a read on him because he voted 'Present' so often instead of casting a vote for or against something.

So it was with relief that the Progressive Left was able to seize on this one, huge qualification that Obama had to hold the nation's highest office. The qualification that would give Obama the ability to function in one of the most difficult, demanding jobs in the world was that....he spent several years lecturing on Constitutional law at the University of Chicago.

After the reign of Evil Bush, who according to some missed no chance to shred the Constitution and trample it underfoot, who wouldn't welcome an Executive branch under the control of a man who would strictly adhere to the Constitutional limits on the Presidency?

If it were a Republican President, the Editorial Boards from across the country would be writing about the clueless President who doesn't understand the Constitution.

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